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Love Your Life + Law of Attraction

Aug 26, 2019

Today we’re going to talk about ways you might be getting lost in the tools and techniques of LoA.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • How getting hung up on the right way to use a particular LoA tool can create friction in your vibration
  • Why doing your vision board on Pinterest may be a nudge from your Inner Being
  • The pitfall of ignoring your own intuition when it comes to your LoA practice
  • How sometimes focusing on the tools and techniques can be a distraction
  • Why I’m huge fan of Ask and It Is Given, my all-time favorite Abraham book—and how to avoid making yourself crazy with its 22 processes
  • What happened when my Creative Workshop went from high vibe to a friction-filled routine
  • 5 suggestions I have to offer you relief if you’ve been getting lost in the tools and techniques of Law of Attraction

For all things Law of Attraction, visit